Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Parsing JMemorize Documents with Groovy

Groovy makes a lot of things absolutely very easy. One of them is xml parsing.

I use JMemorize for learning new programming libraries like Wicket and Groovy. But I want to import my flash cards into Keynote. So I needed to parse xml documents that JMemorize uses for storing the cards.

It is not a big deal parsing xml documents. But Groovy makes it much easier. I put my code here to show Groovy's easiness and maybe some JMemorize users may benefit.

def lesson = new XmlParser().parse(new File('resources/Java.jml'))
def cards = lesson.Category.Category.grep{it.'@name' == 'Groovy'}.Deck.Card
output = new File('resources/jmemorize.txt')
def counter = 0
for(card in cards) {
output << "Soru $counter:\n\n" << card.'@Backside' << '\n----\nYanıtı:\n' << card.'@Frontside' << '\n====\n'


Eelco Hillenius said...

JMemorize is a neat little app!

Unknown said...

This is certainly one of the most valuable posts. Great tips from beginning till end. Lots of suggestions for me and for people. Superb work

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